You Know Enough To Make Great Videos

One of the most common concerns people have when they think about using the video in their marketing is this that they don't think they know enough about anything to make a good video. If you're in a hurry and want to learn how you can make killer videos for your business... videos that will increase your income, then check out the Quick Video Marketing system
In today's lesson, I've got a simple, interactive exercise that will prove to you once and for all that you've got enough knowledge in your head right now to start making videos.
Here's how this works: Simply take a few minutes and answer each of the following questions.

QUESTION #1 - What are three things that you know more about than most
of your friends?

Maybe it's bowling, dog training, organizing your kitchen, making
sales, getting bigger tips as a bartender. No matter who you are, there
are things that you know more about than the average person. Write them
down now.

QUESTION #2 - What are three challenges you've overcome in your life?

Maybe you have a aunt who showed you a simple, natural cure for poison
ivy. Maybe you discovered how to make an extra $200 a month without
doing any extra work. Maybe you were heavy once and figured out how to
lose weight without dieting. Whatever it is, write it down.

QUESTION #3 - What are three problems you know how to solve?

Do you know a simple fix that will keep your vegetables from spoiling?
Perhaps you figured out a simple secret for buying clothes at
less-than-retail prices in order to save money. Do you know how to make
cats stop peeing on the carpet? All those solutions are worth money!
Write them down. Let me show you how to turn these answers into cash
using the Quick Video Marketing methodology.

When you do the exercise above, you will discover that you actually DO
know enough to start making videos right now. All you need is some high
quality training on how to make those videos using simple equipment in
your home.

You also need to know how to make those videos for little or no cost.
My friend, Jeff "Herschy" Schwerdt, can show you how to do all that and
more in the Quick Video Marketing online training course. It contains
everything he knows (and this guy knows his stuff!) about creating the
kind of cash-producing video content that will impress your readers and
make you money.

Go ahead and check out Herschy's story and what you'll learn in the
training course right now, and see what all the fuss is about.
Quick Video Marketing system